WISEPIM allows you to grow and become a Top tier marketing agency.
Getting work done
Lets be honest, you want to get work done. Here are some of the things you can do with WISEPIM.
WISEPIM is your content-pipeline to get work done. You can translate your digital content, get product data from your suppliers and enrich your product data with AI.
Translate to any language
Import products from your e-commerce platform.
No more Excel pain
Companies often face tedious tasks like updating product data in Excel. WISEPIM allows you to bulk edit 100’s or 1000’s of products at once.
Enrich Products
Ai is context aware. Enrich your product data with AI to get more sales.
Reach a global audience
With so many platform support the sky is the limit. We integrate many platforms to help you reach a global audience.
Using Markdown
The markdown syntax lets you add images using the following code
Note that the image file size must be less than 5MB. Otherwise, we recommend hosting on a service like Cloudinary or S3. You can then use that URL and embed.
Using Embeds
To get more customizability with images, you can also use embeds to add images
Embeds and HTML elements
Mintlify supports HTML tags in Markdown. This is helpful if you prefer HTML tags to Markdown syntax, and lets you create documentation with infinite flexibility.
Loads another HTML page within the document. Most commonly used for embedding videos.