You can get an API key here.

Instructions for getting the API key

Log in or create an account with the link above and click on ‘API keys’ after you’re logged in.

Click on the green ‘Create new secret key’ button.

You get a window where you can give it a name, you can call it ‘Wisepim’ and click on ‘Create Secret Key’.

Copy the secret key you’ve just created.

OpenAI Token

The open AI token starts with ‘sk-’, copy it to add it to your account.

Example: sk-abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890

How to add your API key to WISEPIM

Go to WISEPIM, log in and click on Settings and go to the ‘Account’ tab.

Here you can fill in the Open AI token and also choose your prompt. When you’ve added it, click on ‘Update account’ to save the key to your account.

All done! You can now use AI to enrich your products!